
Usher in the oh-so anticipated seasonal shift with these cozy textiles.
Sit back and relax to truly appreciate our Leisure family.
Ideal to properly enjoy your time off, these soothing cotton blends will instantly make you feel at ease.
What better excuse to unplug than to pamper yourself with a fleecy fabric and take your sweet time sipping a refreshing beverage, chatting with a friend or just getting lost in your thoughts?

Cotton and Cotton Blends

Enjoy your leisure time like an aww-inducing koala would. Chill and relax: take it easy or doze off for a nap in the comfortable and welcoming embrace of these soft fabrics.
Apart from being the jackpot of adorableness and undeniably captivating, Koalas happen to have a laid-back nature and sedentary lifestyle. They are therefore more than suitable to epitomize the fine craftsmanship of this family: an invitation to relax, enjoy the moment and go with the flow.
Find an oasis of coziness and pure relaxation in these cottony and casual fabrics.

Enjoy your leisure time like an aww-inducing koala would. Chill and relax: take it easy or doze off for a nap in the comfortable and welcoming embrace of these soft fabrics.
Apart from being the jackpot of adorableness and undeniably captivating, Koalas happen to have a laid-back nature and sedentary lifestyle. They are therefore more than suitable to epitomize the fine craftsmanship of this family: an invitation to relax, enjoy the moment and go with the flow.
Find an oasis of coziness and pure relaxation in these cottony and casual fabrics.

Pleasantly soft sweatshirt fabrics
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.
 01/ DAILY: Business attire for each and every hectic day.
 02/ VISUELLE: 3D weaves and fantasy yarns.
 03/ SPORT: Not all nylons are created equal.
 04/ LEISURE: To properly enjoy your time off.
 05/ COCKTAIL: Fluid with glossy and lamé aspects.
 06/ SUMMERY: Style and comfort on the warmest days.
 07/ KLASSIC: Specially designed for businessmen.